Monday 30 November 2015

Similar Products - Classic Rock Magazine Deconstruction

The 'Classic Rock' magazine is aimed at older people (aged 30+) who had enjoyed rock music and various older rock bands when they were younger. The colour scheme used for this genre of magazine makes it look like an old movie, it has a vintage look to it which appeals to the audience of older people who enjoy rock music. The large masthead is very dominant and covers 1/4 of the page, also being at the top it will be the first thing the audience sees when they look at it from a magazine stand. There is only one picture on the magazine as it is solely focused on the Metallica artist, he is shown as a very important rock icon and this will surely capture the attention of their fans. The fact that the target audience is 30+ is backed up by the use of language, there is no use of slang in the magazine that could be seen in other magazines meant for a younger target audience; these include words like 'wtf ', 'wicked' or 'awesome'. The way in which the artist is standing portrays him as a god-like figure, this may be the way his fans see him and will want to buy a music magazine he features in. They show a puff in the shape of a guitar plectrum with 'FREE 15 TRACK CD INSIDE' and this is yellow which stands out and is eye-catching to the audience, this promotes the magazine and will make the audience want to buy it over other rock magazines, this of course gives it an advantage.

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